How to Clean Out Your Computer for the New Year

While your computer holds a lot of your personal life, it’s also prone to piling up unnecessary files and data. If you don’t clean it, junk starts to take over and it can take forever to get anything done.

Luckily, we’re here to help you learn to clean up your computer and ensure you never have to deal with the mess and stress again.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about how to clean out your computer.

Why Is Your Computer So Slow?

If your computer is running slow, there are a lot of potential reasons why. If it’s an older model, then it might be time to replace it. If it’s not that old, then your cache could be filled, your RAM could be crowded, it could need an update, or you might even be running too many things at once.

There’s the rare occasion that malware is wreaking havoc, but if you have decent security software this isn’t likely to be the problem (though it’s worth it to check).

All of these things can have an effect on your computer’s ability to run smoothly, but what can you do?

How Can Learning How to Clean Out Your Computer Help?

Learning how to organize your computer and having it cleaned out regularly can make all the difference. It sounds simple, but that’s because it is.

When you have clear hardware, there’s nothing mucking up your machine, so it’s going to run smoothly and efficiently. Often, a few quick fixes are all it’ll take to ensure your computer can run efficiently.

1. Restart Your Computer

When’s the last time you restarted your computer? You’d probably be surprised at how much it can help. When you restart your computer, you’re stopping all the running software, tasks, and processes from draining your computer’s power further.

So when you boot it back up, you’re going to find a lot more free memory to operate. Since it’s so easy to do, this should always be your first step. Just make sure you save files and tabs you don’t want to lose before you shut down.

2. Try a Device Optimizer

Next, you should spring for a decent device optimizer. Not only can it help you clean up your computer’s registry, but it’s also capable of fixing system errors, removing malware, and even deleting programs or files you haven’t used in a while.

It’s also going to be able to tell you which hardware parts need to be replaced, and it’ll help you gain control of startup programs on your computer.

It might take a bit of time to set up, but you’re going to save a lot of time once it is.

3. Remove Unused Files and Apps

Next, you’re going to clear out the unnecessary files on your computer. This means deleting bloatware, emptying the recycle bin, clearing out your downloads folder, and (if you don’t know how) learning how to delete an app on Mac.

Start with moving all your unnecessary files, downloads, and apps to the recycling bin, and then you can go over to that bin and empty it all out at once. Not only will it help you learn what you have on your computer, but you’ll be able to decide what is and isn’t crucial to your everyday success.

You should also go through and remove your unused browser extensions. This can especially help if your internet is running slow, especially if you’re running a lot of extensions you don’t use.

4. Organize What You Do Have

Now, you’re going to need to organize what you have left. Cleaning out your computer is important, but keeping your files, apps, and extensions organized is going to help it all stay that way.

You can create a file storage system (nesting is a great way to do this). You can also find desktop templates online to have a place for all your folders and other files.

Creating a system and making your computer a place that you enjoy sitting down at is a great way to keep yourself productive and efficient when you might not feel like it.

5. Keep It Clean

Once you have a system in place, you’re going to need to keep your computer clean. That means going through all your files at regular intervals to ensure nothing unnecessary stays on your computer, clearing your cache, history, temporary files, and other things that have piled up on your computer in the past.

It’s hard to set and keep a system in place, but you’re going to find that it’s necessary for not only your productivity but also your mental health.

If you work on a computer all day, it’s more stressful to be surrounded by clutter than you might think, and it can trigger your fight or flight. When you spend too much time in that state (like when you get panicked over not being able to find the proper file), it can have a big effect on your physical health as well.

Start Out Your New Year Right

Now that we’ve gone over how to clean out your computer ahead of the New Year, it’s time for you to get started. Whether you’re just looking to clear up your desktop, or you need to give your machine a huge overhaul, you can put these tips into action to not only clear things out but to make sure they stay that way.

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