How To Obtain The Island Token In Lost Ark Revelry Row

Start the quest to receive the Lost Ark now. To get the Revelry Row Island Token, you must first finish the island’s “Cocktail in Hand” Una Daily quest, which can take up to six days to accomplish.

With ALT+J, you may access Una tasks. After that, go to Revelry Row and speak with the manager there. We examine every Lost Ark Revelry Row Seed location in this article. To quickly locate every lost ark revelry row location, go to the section and map below.

 lost ark revelry row: where is it?

 One of the game’s most northerly islands, Revelry Row is located directly beneath the North Vern continent. It is specifically located in the Ethulia Ocean. You should reach combat level 50 and equip item level 250 before visiting since players will need access to the revelry row lost Ark ships.

 Your first visit to the island should help you understand why it stands out among the other islands in the game. There is a permanent club with a sizable dance floor in the center of the island and a lot of happy patrons. The island’s Island Token, however, is its most significant feature.

 How Do You Get To Revelry Row In Lost Ark?

  • Follow the Unbreakable Beat quest after you have it until you reach the step when you need to gather rare and legendary music seeds. 
  • You must collect a guardian soul in one of the guardian raids to complete this phase of the quest. You pick cocktails in this quest and serve them to consumers.
  •  Follow the Unbreakable Beat quest after you have it until you reach the step when you need to collect rare and legendary music seeds. By completing a couple of sailing challenges, you can finish sailing the gate and get the key. 
  • You can then use this key to open the gate and complete floor 25 of the Shadespire Tower. The guardian and the sage spy on floor 25 are both rather simple, but I’ll walk you through the sailing part because it might be challenging.
  •  Open your inventory once the event is over to see if you have a key to any of the gates. scrolling down after choosing storage sailing material These gates are only open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays; once again, check your alarm clock to find out when these activities are happening. 
  • If you do have a key, you can use it to access the gate. Three times a day, these events are offered. Check the alarm clock first.
  •  The Legendary DJ, who can be found on Harmony Island, must then be spoken to after that. You will have to wait until Harmony Island is added to the Adventure Islands rotation as a result. Make sure you have the dance emote sway before you go because it is required. You can get it by finishing Peter’s yellow mission. 
  • Once you’ve finished, you can return to Revelry Row. Watch the cutscene after that, and you’ll be rewarded with their revelry row island soul.

lost ark revelry row: island token

 You must first complete the “Cocktail in Hand” Una Daily job for the island for up to six days before you can start the quest that grants you the Lost Ark Revelry Row Island Token. The Unbreakable Beat quest will give you a number of objectives to fulfill once you’ve started it, including finishing a Ghost Ship, going through a Lost Ark Gate of Harmony, and reaching level 25 of Shadowspire.

 After completing these activities, you can complete the quest and obtain the crucial Island Token by going to a location named Harmony Island. Following this, there are more chain quests on the island that leads to Island Tokens for other islands and two revelry row lost ark mokoko  Seeds. You now know how to find the Lost Ark Revelry Row island and what it is made of, as well as how to get the island token.

All Mokoko Seed Locations In Revelry Row

 Be aware that you can always check how many lost ark revelry row mokoko seeds you have gathered as well as the areas from which you have done so. To do this, open the Mokoko Seed icon from your adventure tab, and all the necessary information will be presented to you.

 lost ark revelry row

 This will keep you occupied for a while with roughly 1202 Revelry Row Mokoko seeds and a lot of incentives for gathering them. We will thus create tips on how to obtain these seeds from various sites to help make things a little simpler. The plant from which you obtain one seed is depicted on the map as having fruit with two little leaves. So, to collect the seed, simply approach the plant and press G.

 All the Mokoko Seed locations in revelry row mokoro seeds will now be discussed. The first seed lies in some bushes above the portal entrance at the southernmost point of the island, close to the water. You can quickly find the seed if you start moving through the bushes.

On the map, the second seed is directly behind Budding Entrepreneur Zenri. This will be directly beneath the tower, close to where a few NPCs are gathering close to the fire drums. There are just two seeds available in Revelry Row, however, you can search through our archives to find other seeds or directions for the little lIvely music lost ark.

How Many Mokoko Seeds Are There In Revelry Row?

There is two Mokoko Seeds total that may be obtained in Revelry Row. One is north of the dock position in the southern section. On the island’s northern side is the other Seed.


Q1. How do you get Kalhertz island tokens?

Ans. Sadly, the island soul (or token) is entirely dependent on luck, and it is also time-gated luck. Either the “Gratuitous Reward Chest” or the “Released Prisoner’s Pouch” has a chance to contain the soul. 

Q2. How do you farm Pirate Coins in Lost Ark?

Ans. One of the many distinct currencies in Lost Ark is pirate coins. It is required for essentially everything related to water, as you can tell from the name.

Q3. What do boss tokens do in islands?

Ans. In the Underworld, the Pumpkin Boss, Slime Queen, and Void Serpent tokens are items that can be used to summon their respective bosses by skipping the summon cooldown.

Q4. Where to turn in masterpiece lost ark?

Ans. In Lost Ark, you can find collectible treasures called “Masterpieces.” After acquiring a Masterpiece, you can take it to Sunflower Island and trade with Alfons Venice, an NPC.

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